Additional data - Advanced features - Mercado Pago Developers
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Additional data

Inside the onSubmit callback there is a second parameter, of optional use, called additionalData. It is an object and can contain additional data useful for your integration, but which is not necessary for the commit of payment on the backend.

Check out the table below for the fields contained within the additionalData object, which will only be returned if the user has opted for payment with a card.

binstringBIN of the card entered by the user.
lastFourDigitsstringThe last four digits for card purchases.
cardholderNamestringName of the cardholder.

See an example of usage below:

const settings = {
 callbacks: {
   onSubmit: ({ selectedPaymentMethod, formData }, additionalData) => {
     // callback called the user to click on the data submit button
     // the additionalData parameter is optional, you can remove it if you want
     // example of sending the data collected by Brick to your server
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       let url = undefined;
       if (selectedPaymentMethod === 'credit_card' || selectedPaymentMethod === 'debit_card') {
         url = 'process_payment_card';
       } else if (selectedPaymentMethod === 'bank_transfer') {
         url = 'process_payment_pix';
       } else if (selectedPaymentMethod === 'ticket') {
         url = 'process_payment_ticket';

       if (url) {
         fetch(url, {
           method: "POST",
           headers: {
             "Content-Type": "application/json",
           body: JSON.stringify(formData),
           .then((response) => response.json())
           .then((response) => {
             // receive payment result
           .catch((error) => {
             // handle error response when trying to create payment
       } else if (selectedPaymentMethod === 'wallet_purchase') {
         // wallet_purchase (Mercado Pago Wallet ) doesn`t need to be sent from the backend
       } else {

 onSubmit={async ({ selectedPaymentMethod, formData }, additionalData) => {
   console.log({ selectedPaymentMethod, formData }, additionalData);


If you are not using the native submit Brick form button, you can also access the additionalData object via the getAdditionalData. Check out an example usage below.


// variable where the Brick controller is saved
        .then((additionalData) => {
            console.log("Additional data:", additionalData);
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));
Call the getAdditionalData method only after the form has been submitted, i.e. after you call the getFormData. This ensures that the data returned is valid and reliable.