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Visual customizations - Brand - Mercado Pago Developers

Visual customizations

To adapt to the store's style, the banner allows the following customizations:

  • Show or hide the Mercado Pago logo;
  • Text (font, size, weight, color, alignment, background color and spacing);
  • Border (show or hide, weight, color, border-radius and spacing).
Pay close attention to which background and text color you will adopt to ensure they contrast and allow the content to be readable.
hideMercadoPagoLogoControls whether the Mercado Pago logo will be displayed next to the message.
contentAlignDefines the alignment of non-textual content in the banner.
borderControls whether a border will be shown around the banner.
borderColorDefines the color of the banner border.
borderWidthDefines the width of the banner border.
borderRadiusDefines the curvature of the banner border.
verticalPaddingDefines the vertical padding of the banner.
horizontalPaddingDefines the horizontal padding of the banner.
useCustomFontControls whether the banner will use a custom font or the default Mercado Pago font.
alignDefines the alignment of textual content in the banner.
sizeDefines the font size of the text in the banner.
fontWeightDefines the font weight in the banner.

The possible values and defaults for each customization are defined in the snippet below, which should be sent as the third parameter in the create() method.

const renderBrandBrick = async (bricksBuilder) => {
  const settings = {
    customization: {
      // the visual changes only apply to the banner, the modal is always default
      visual: {
        hideMercadoPagoLogo: false, // optional boolean.
        contentAlign: "center", // optional "left" | "center" | "right".
        backgroundColor: "white", // optional "white" | "mercado_pago_primary" | "mercado_pago_secondary" | "black" | "transparent"
        border: false, // optional boolean
        borderColor: "dark", // optional "dark" | "light"
        borderWidth: "1px", // optional "1px" | "2px"
        borderRadius: "0px", // optional  string format: "Npx"
        verticalPadding: "8px", // optional  string format: "Npx". max "40px"
        horizontalPadding: "16px", // optional  string format: "Npx". max "40px"
      text: {
        align: "left", // optional "left" | "center" | "right",
        useCustomFont: false, // optional boolean. OBS: If is true the Brick inheriths the font from the parent
        size: "medium", // optional "extra_small" | "small" | "medium" | "large".
        fontWeight: "semibold", // optional "regular" | "semibold".
        color: "secondary", // optional "primary" | "secondary" |"inverted".

const customization = {
    // the visual changes only apply to the banner, the modal is always default
    visual: {
      hideMercadoPagoLogo: false, // optional boolean
      contentAlign: "center", // optional "left" | "center" | "right"
      backgroundColor: "white", // optional "white" | "mercado_pago_primary" | "mercado_pago_secondary" | "black" | "transparent"
      border: false, // optional boolean
      borderColor: "dark", // optional "dark" | "light"
      borderWidth: "1px", // optional "1px" | "2px"
      borderRadius: "0px", // optional  string format: "Npx"
      verticalPadding: "8px" // optional  string format: "Npx". max "40px"
      horizontalPadding: "16px" // optional  string format: "Npx". max "40px"
    text: {
      align: "left", // optional "left" | "center" | "right",
      useCustomFont: false, // optional boolean. OBS: If is true the Brick inheriths the font from the parent
      size: "medium", // optional "extra-small" | "small" | "medium" | "large".
      fontWeight: "semibold", // optional "regular" | "semibold".
      color: "secondary", // optional "primary" | "secondary" | "inverted".