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Checkout API - Payment methods configuration - Mercado Pago Developers

Checkout API

With Checkout API, the entire purchase process will take place within the online store environment, without the need for redirection to an external page.

In addition to allowing greater control in the customization and integration process, Checkout API offers a complete structure for processing payments with the main methods available in the market. In order to start receiving payments with Mercado Pago, after creating a MercadoPagoV2 gateway affiliation, you will need to configure the payment methods you wish to offer.

The MercadoPagoV1 gateway affiliation will be discontinued. If you already have a MercadoPagoV1 gateway affiliation, you'll need to migrate to MercadoPagoV2 so you can keep operating with Mercado Pago and benefit from the advantages that this new conector offers.

See below the available payment methods for the store when integrating Checkout API. Keep in mind that you will need to configure them one by one, individually.

Payment MethodDescription
CardsAllows integration with credit and debit cards.
Up to 12 installments without a card on Mercado PagoWith this credit line managed by Mercado Pago, the customer has the option to finance their purchase without the need for a card, while the seller receives the full transaction amount in their account.
Offline methodsYou can offer offline payment methods, such as Rapipago, Pago Fácil, Provincia Net or red Link.
Mercado Pago inStoreIntegrate your online sales channels with your physical stores to enhance your customers' experience. For more information, check the VTEX Sales App and Mercado Pago inStore installation guide.
VTEX SubscriptionsConfigure subscription plans to automatically generate purchase orders and charge based on the defined frequency and amounts. Your customers can subscribe to your products and/or services to pay via automatic debit for as long as they want. For more information, check the VTEX Subscriptions installation guide.