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How to upgrade to the new Adobe Commerce plugin? - Adobe Commerce - Mercado Pago Developers

How to upgrade to the new Adobe Commerce plugin?

To update your plugin by installing the new version, simply follow the installation steps for the Mercado Pago module on the Adobe Commerce platform. You can install it on the platform in two different ways:

You can install the new plugin without interfering with the operation of the old plugin. Once you have confirmed the correct operation of the new plugin, proceed to disable the old version.

Features by version

FeatureNew pluginOld plugin
Card payments
Offline payment methods
Discounts for products and payment methods
Installments with interest
Secure Fields / PCI
Installments without interest
Buy Now Pay Later - Cuotas sin Tarjeta
Payments with 2 cards
Refunds directly through the platform
Due date for offline payment methods
Disable payment methods in Checkout Pro
Save cards
Old versions continue to work and receive normal support, but we will only have new updates for the new plugin.
If you are already using the new plugin, be sure to keep an eye out for the latest releases to take advantage of the new features. To update, simply follow the same method you used for installation previously, whether it's via Composer or Adobe Commerce Marketplace .